good or bad idea to display your email address on your website

Displaying your email address on your website – good idea or bad?

Ben Manning website security

Displaying your business email address on your website, alongside a contact form, is a common practice and can have both advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of displaying your email address on your website:

  1. Accessibility: Some users prefer direct email communication over contact forms. Providing your email address caters to this preference.
  2. Professionalism: An email address, especially a domain-specific one, can enhance the professional image of your business.
  3. Ease of Use: Direct email allows users to keep a record of their correspondence with your business in their personal email account.
  4. Flexibility: Users can send detailed inquiries or attachments more easily through email than a contact form.

Disadvantages of displaying your email address on your website:

  1. Spam Risk: Publicly displaying your email address can make it more susceptible to being harvested by spammers.
  2. Security Concerns: There is a slight risk of phishing or other malicious activities if your email address is publicly accessible.
  3. Management Overhead: Managing communications from both a contact form and a direct email could be more cumbersome than using a single channel.
  4. Privacy Issues: If your business email is also used for personal or internal communications, displaying it publicly might not be ideal.

Mitigating Risks:

  • Use a Generic Email: Create a specific email address (like for public-facing communications.
  • Spam Filters: Ensure you have strong spam filters in place to manage unwanted emails.
  • Email Obfuscation: Some websites use techniques to hide or obfuscate the email address from bots while keeping it readable for humans.

Whether or not it’s a good idea depends on your specific circumstances, including the nature of your business, your audience, and your capacity to manage email communications effectively. Weighing the advantages against the potential risks can help you make an informed decision. If you do choose to display your email address, taking precautions against spam and maintaining strong security practices is advisable.